
Conversations about the Word of God in the Life and Mission of the Church by the authors and editors of the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture. The general editors of the series are Peter Williamson and Mary Healy.

About the series: The Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture (CCSS) aims to serve the ministry of the word of God in the life and mission of the Church by providing accessible yet substantive commentary on each book of the New Testament. Since Vatican Council II, there has been an increasing hunger among Catholics to study Scripture in depth and in a way that reveals its relationship to liturgy, evangelization, catechesis, theology, and daily life. This series responds to that desire by providing commentaries drawn from the best of contemporary biblical scholarship as well as the rich treasury of the Church’s tradition. The CCSS implements the theological principles taught by Vatican II for interpreting Scripture “in accord with the same Spirit by whom it was written”—that is, interpreting Scripture in its canonical context and in the light of Catholic tradition and the analogy of faith (Dei Verbum 12).

2 responses to “About

  1. This is a fantastic site! The information is excellent. Catholics are hungry for more, and this site provides what they need. Hopefully, Catholics can begin to go beyond Sunday mornings and learn to live a full, rich life in the Scriptures.

    May God bless your work!

  2. Jason


    One thing I hope you will consider as you are working on your series is putting together and offering a systematic METHOD of studying sacred scripture. What do I mean by that? I mean, essentially, an order of study. For example, when you look at the Sunday Mass readings there is typically (not always obviously) an OT, a Psalm, a NT, and the Gospel and there is supposed to be a common thread for that day and there is intent behind the schedule which is used. The problem for Catholics when trying to study the Bible in light of sacred tradition is that there seems to be nothing to guide us through the process. I have heard the suggestion of just following the three year cycle in the Missal but the problem with that as I am sure you are aware, is that the entire Bible is not covered in the Missal which gives Catholics a great start but does not represent a systematic pedagogy for studying the entire Bible in an order that makes sense.

    I am VERY hopeful that you will come up with such a study plan to facilitate those of us who love Bible commentary but lack a great and pedagogically sound method of approaching the process.

    Thanks, good luck with the project (it looks fantastic and I am very excited to see some of the texts) and God Bless!


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